This post is dedicated to the one and only Jacob. He's pretty amazing and deserves a shout out for pulling off our adventures last weekend.

Here's what last weekend involved (the short version)...
- A "spy" "mission"
- A surprise visit from my brother

- A makeover
- A Lincoln MKS
- A Krav Maga self defense class
- A surprise party downtown
- A wedding
- A fantastic Mariachi Band, Mariachi Sol Azteka
- A drive up Mount Lemmon
- a little bit of rock climbing
- and some delicious Dough Boys.
And the extended version:
Jacob coordinated the whole event: flew my brother in, recruited friends and strangers to participate and do surveillance (I was apparently covertly filmed and photographed throughout the day), arranged for a car, hair appointment, and private Krav Maga class, all without me suspecting a thing.
The story: The FBI recently apprehended a spy named Helena Dashnikova, (wanted poster here ). They need Heather (who looks remarkably similar to Helena), to play the part of Helena. After a new haircut, new clothes, hand-to-hand combat and spy training, Heather will make a drop, then follow the courier, a smuggler named Joe Ramirez, (wanted poster here ), back to the buyer.
I woke up Friday morning intending to get some work done before going out to lunch. Jacob had supposedly taken the girls out to breakfast and open gym. I got a call at about 8:30 from a misidentified male voice (I thought it was Jacob, but it was really one of Jacob's anonymous accomplices).

"Take the Lazer to Java Edge on Nexus. Be there by 9am. Ask for Natasha."
At Java Edge,

an employee (Natasha), slid a plain manila envelope across the counter:
"Take the Lincoln to Bookman's on Speedway. Be there by 9:40AM. There is an Agatha Christie novel in the Mystery section that you are going to want to look at."
Inside the envelope was a wireless key fob. In the parking lot was a black Lincoln MKS that beeped when I pushed the lock button.

In the passenger seat was a box with a black purse and a new cell phone. After finally figuring out how to start the car (you leave the key fob in your pocket, put your foot on the brake, and push a button) I left for the bookstore. While searching the shelves for Agatha Christie, someone handed me a book, and said "is this what you're looking for." I said "I guess," and took the book from him. Then I looked up and saw that it was my brother. Awesome.

Justin showed me the wanted posters and briefed me on the "mission". We headed up to Tucson mall, and I was given an envelope full of $20's for a haircut, and wardrobe change. After a few hours at the mall, and a quick lunch we headed over to Ultima for some hand to hand combat training.

Then off to No Anchovies, by the U of A, where we were instructed to wait for a mustached guy in a leather jacket to show up on a motorcycle. He had "the package" and we had to follow him on foot.

We followed him down University Blvd, down 4th Ave, under the railroad tracks, and down Congress to La Placita Park (amidst a Mariachi event, and a protest). We only lost him once.

Friends (and a friendly homeless guy) were waiting at the park to surprise me with some fantastic Magpie's pizza and European Truffle pie.
Saturday Jacob and I were scheduled to shoot a wedding. Justin came with us, while Ella and Sophie went to a birthday party.
Sunday we went up mount Lemmon after church. We found the rock where Jacob proposed, Sophie peed in the bushes for the first time, we found a suitable picnic spot after some debating, built a camp fire, and roasted dough boys. Then the sun went down and it got cold so we packed up and headed back down the mountain. We stopped at the overlook point and climbed out on the rocks, Justin didn't find any suitable climbing rocks, but we enjoyed seeing the city lights.
By the time we got home the weekend had caught up to us, and we were all in bed by 10:30.
It was such a good weekend that my newly thirty year old self is just now feeling recovered (just in time for this weekend). We were so happy to have Justin down to visit. My girls in particular were sad to see him go. They miss horse rides and playing on the rocks, and were determined to plan a spy mission for Justin's birthday.
Happy (a day late) Birthday Justin!!!

LOVE it!!!!!
Awesome!!! Do you get to keep the car? ;-)
Happy Birthday!!! Glad you had a good time.
Are you kidding me? That was incredible! What a fun adventure!
Happy Late Birthday!
So fun. I'm also curious to know if you bought a new car...
no, we didn't keep the car. it was a rental. it was sure a fun car to drive.
How fun!!!
Wow! Jacob sure does know how to surprise you. That sure is going to be a memorable birthday. happy belated birthday.
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