Wednesday, January 5, 2011


current blog status: on hold due to current dahle family status

current dahle family status: in transition.

official blog announcement: "ahem. may we have your attention please...We would like to announce that we are currently in the process of heading across the country to try our hand at being New Englanders"

the details:

who: All members of the dahle family.

what: We are moving.

where: Vermont, which is "somewhere close to the North Pole, but still in the United States of America" (as I overheard Ella explaining the move to a friend).

when: ASAP, exact timing TBA.

why: Jacob was offered (and accepted) a job with IBM's technology development team.

In the meantime: I did manage to finish our annual family slide show only a few days late.

Dahle Family 2010 (480p) from Heather Dahle on Vimeo.

Creative Commons License Hear Us Now (poptastic mix) by scottaltham is licensed under a Attribution Noncommercial (3.0).


Unknown said...

Congrats on the change. I know what you mean about feeling in limbo. We're contemplating a shorter move (across town, we hope) into our own home and not knowing exactly where or when is driving me crazy!
Lorilee and Kimball's family lived in Vermont for several years. Sadly they moved away about a year ago or you'd be close by them! They really enjoyed it there. If you want any tips on surviving Vermont, you should talk to them! I know they'd be delighted.
Gorgeous slide show of course :)

Andi said...

With this change, you're going to have killer blogging material... I still remember being welcomed to our new ward in NE with a pineapple. It's a tradition from the sailors I guess? Plus, all the B & B in Maine decorate with pineapple borders, so it goes?

Loved that area. Too much to see and do, and too little time there for us! Wishing it's a somewhat smooth transition! Your family will be missed.

Marci said...

I can honestly say that I have been waiting for this. I almost emailed you the other day to ask when it would be posted! It was great fun to watch. We wish you the best on your move but, we will miss you!

Ashlie said...

Wow! How exciting! You'll definitely have to keep us posted on how you like it . . . and oh the photography opportunities!

Mike Balderree said...

Your slide show is really great! What a good idea for a year in review. loved it!

Mike Balderree said...

-By the way- it's me Elisabeth, not my husband Mike. heehee!

wrightNOW said...

Heather I loved Every Second of your video. Your family is so adorible, you are amazing parents, you teach your kids such fun things, and they experience so much together. I know you will do great with your move...i know that is hard. I wish you the best and can't waite to hear more. If you stop in UTAH....PLEASE let me know and we can see you!

Dan and LaVon said...

BEAUTIFUL!!!! Good luck on the move..exciting and scary. You have an amazing family and I love seeing you all when you come to town. Just not fair I am no longer in Primary to experience the joy of your girls.!!

Loafer Mountain Primitives said...

Hey You!
I'm so excited for y'all! It was a blast to see all of you for the Holidays. Those two little girls have got to be the sweetest things. Ellas intellect was simply amazing! and Sophie, what can be said? Hillarious, Bright, Witty, Fun!
So glad we could spend a little time with everyone. Tell Jacob Hi!
We'll definitely miss you but on the same hand we're very excited too! The Best to y'all!

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Great video. We will miss your family. Good luck!!

Heather said...

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your kind words and encouragement. It's an exciting adventure for us, but we will certainly miss it here.

Brooke said...

loved this! you are so amazingly talented and we are still in mourning over your impending move

thanks for having us be a part of many of the fun memories of 2010

Jenni said...

Congratulations on the moving news! We're living in Connecticut right now and we really love it here. Plus, the proximity to Boston, NY, etc makes it a great experience. I don't know how far away you'll be from us, probably somewhere around four hours, but if you need anything. . . we may be your closest family.
(your cuz) jenni.