Sunday, October 31, 2010

and then prince charming appeared


Unknown said...


Ashlie said...

Love the scrubbing the floor picture. You really go all out woman!

Brooke said...

Love these! Ella is a model Cinderella and love that she's next to a man in uniform. Sophie's costume looks great too and absolutely perfect for her personality. Great job

Groff Family said...

These are awesome! (Sophie's too!) Who is Prince Charming?

Heather said...

We have no idea who Prince Charming is. He just happened to walk by when we were taking pictures, and we asked him if he would pose with Ella. He was super nice about it. Ella was a little embarrassed.

Nat said...

Price Charming is MY Husband!! Heather we have only met a few times. I was so surprise when Steve came home and told me about the pictures. He was going the the Marine Corps Birthday Ball on Campus that night. I am so happy that he was in the right spot at the right time to make this happen. Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL.

**Kellie Farell told me about this post. Ck out our blog if you want**

Heather said...

How crazy. Your husband is awesome! It totally made our night. We were chastising ourselves last week for not even asking his name...but now we know. :)

I checked out your blog...your boys are adorable. And your sewing projects are awesome!

Dan and LaVon said...

Your photography and staging is awesome and your mom's sewing talents unparalleled. She makes the rest of us oldies look like BAD grandma's. Love your blog!

Ashlie said...

Ha-ha! I saw Steve and just assumed Heather had asked him to dress up for her shoot. Too funny!

Bryan and Christy Clark said...

Holy smokes Heather! You are incredible!