Friday, November 20, 2009

London in 48 hours

So much to see, so little time.

Big Ben

Double Decker buses.

Supposedly, possibly the most visited site in London.

Westminster Abbey

In a park where we listened to an angry cafe customer argue with the manager over a sandwich that was stolen by a pigeon. Apparently, she didn't see the sign that said that the restaurant would not replace food stolen by pigeons.

The British Museum.

Greece wants their stuff back.

The tower of London.

Jack the Ripper walking tour.

We managed to find time to eat, occasionally.

British Museum, again.

St. Paul's Cathedral. Too bad you can't take pictures inside. It's pretty spectacular.

Tower Bridge.

The London Bridge experience included a haunted house...very spooky.

Pretty Awesome.


Justin said...

wow, jacob looks like he just had a very heartbreaking conversation in that phone booth

Heather said...

I think he was hungry. It was like 3:00PM and we were trying to find some place to eat lunch.

Jueneta said...

I love your shot of Westminster and the London Bridge. The sky looks amazingly blue in some shots.